About Billings Ovulation Method®

The Billings Ovulation Method® is a natural method of fertility management. It teaches you to recognise your body's natural signal of fertility.
Conceive wanting a baby?

With the Billings Ovulation Method® you’ll learn to understand the signs of fertility and to recognise your Peak day, which is the most fertile day in your cycle.
Postpone Pregnancy Naturally

Reliable, harmless, immediately reversible, and inexpensive. The Billings Ovulation Method® of preventing ticks all the boxes
Build strong family relationship

A method that nurtures the relationship of husband and wife. “Happy Couple Happy Family”
The Billings Ovulation Method® was first discovered by Dr John Billings of Melbourne in 1953. He was joined in this work by his wife, Dr Evelyn Billings, and together they travelled the world teaching their method. It is now taught and successfully used by couples in over 100 countries around the world. The Billings Ovulation Method® is used by women at all stages of their reproductive lives to achieve pregnancy, to prevent pregnancy and to safeguard their reproductive health.